Latest Stats from IndiFunners

Latest 10 active users
REY619 last seen at 11:08:57 AM
Prab last seen at 04:33:10 AM
Dev253 last seen at 12:31:56 AM
vir last seen at 09:25:49 AM
lumsefoLoank last seen at 02:38:56 AM
PinUz241gom last seen at 05:36:45 AM
Ernestnub last seen at 05:16:41 PM
wmeesugom last seen at 08:55:04 PM
IndiFun last seen at 01:33:44 PM
wmltugom last seen at 07:31:36 PM

Top 10 SMS senders
vsabhi has sent 2228 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 14.6386% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Prab has sent 1180 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 7.7530% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Dev253 has sent 756 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 4.9671% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Badmash has sent 733 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 4.8160% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
fairy has sent 583 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 3.8305% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Tom has sent 572 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 3.7582% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Gnaveen9 has sent 518 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 3.4034% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
saurabh has sent 487 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 3.1997% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
Adonis has sent 382 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 2.5099% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun
kumar_raja has sent 333 SMSes through the Free SMS service which is 2.1879% of all SMSes sent through IndiFun

Top 10 users who conversed with most number of people
kAbir has conversed with 207 different users which is 5.8924% of all users on IndiFun
Prab has conversed with 138 different users which is 3.9283% of all users on IndiFun
rosypink has conversed with 114 different users which is 3.2451% of all users on IndiFun
shubhsanskriti has conversed with 111 different users which is 3.1597% of all users on IndiFun
Dev253 has conversed with 105 different users which is 2.9889% of all users on IndiFun
REY619 has conversed with 97 different users which is 2.7612% of all users on IndiFun
Analytica has conversed with 84 different users which is 2.3911% of all users on IndiFun
A_y_a_n has conversed with 83 different users which is 2.3627% of all users on IndiFun
frogie has conversed with 82 different users which is 2.3342% of all users on IndiFun
Pritha has conversed with 79 different users which is 2.2488% of all users on IndiFun

Top 10 message senders
Badmash has sent 29080 messages which is 9.0420% of all messages sent on IndiFun
Dev253 has sent 25893 messages which is 8.0511% of all messages sent on IndiFun
shubhsanskriti has sent 23732 messages which is 7.3791% of all messages sent on IndiFun
Prab has sent 20902 messages which is 6.4992% of all messages sent on IndiFun
p17_sweety has sent 14965 messages which is 4.6532% of all messages sent on IndiFun
kAbir has sent 14925 messages which is 4.6407% of all messages sent on IndiFun
saurabh has sent 12676 messages which is 3.9414% of all messages sent on IndiFun
Mr.ocean has sent 9623 messages which is 2.9921% of all messages sent on IndiFun
Anuradha has sent 8870 messages which is 2.7580% of all messages sent on IndiFun
REY619 has sent 7704 messages which is 2.3955% of all messages sent on IndiFun

Top 10 message receivers
Dev253 has received 28891 messages which is 8.7128% of all messages received on IndiFun
Badmash has received 27185 messages which is 8.1983% of all messages received on IndiFun
shubhsanskriti has received 24848 messages which is 7.4935% of all messages received on IndiFun
Prab has received 23252 messages which is 7.0122% of all messages received on IndiFun
p17_sweety has received 17912 messages which is 5.4018% of all messages received on IndiFun
kAbir has received 15425 messages which is 4.6518% of all messages received on IndiFun
REY619 has received 12734 messages which is 3.8402% of all messages received on IndiFun
saurabh has received 11044 messages which is 3.3306% of all messages received on IndiFun
Anuradha has received 9750 messages which is 2.9403% of all messages received on IndiFun
Mr.ocean has received 8861 messages which is 2.6722% of all messages received on IndiFun

Top 10 users who posted in most no. of different topics
Dev253 has posted in 1500 different topics which is 69.7026% of all topics in forums
Prab has posted in 1253 different topics which is 58.2249% of all topics in forums
REY619 has posted in 1144 different topics which is 53.1599% of all topics in forums has posted in 946 different topics which is 43.9591% of all topics in forums
kAbir has posted in 905 different topics which is 42.0539% of all topics in forums
santosh has posted in 813 different topics which is 37.7788% of all topics in forums
sonicbom has posted in 788 different topics which is 36.6171% of all topics in forums
Badmash has posted in 785 different topics which is 36.4777% of all topics in forums
Pritha has posted in 702 different topics which is 32.6208% of all topics in forums
Mr.ocean has posted in 682 different topics which is 31.6914% of all topics in forums

Top 10 users who posted maximum replies
Dev253 has posted 6733 replies in forums which is 11.6530% of all forum replies
Prab has posted 4822 replies in forums which is 8.3456% of all forum replies
REY619 has posted 4815 replies in forums which is 8.3335% of all forum replies
Mr.ocean has posted 2611 replies in forums which is 4.5189% of all forum replies
kAbir has posted 2563 replies in forums which is 4.4359% of all forum replies has posted 2207 replies in forums which is 3.8197% of all forum replies
kingSRK has posted 2161 replies in forums which is 3.7401% of all forum replies
astronaut has posted 2153 replies in forums which is 3.7263% of all forum replies
Badmash has posted 2118 replies in forums which is 3.6657% of all forum replies
Pritha has posted 2110 replies in forums which is 3.6518% of all forum replies

Top 10 topic creators
astronaut has created 237 topics in forums which is 11.0130% of all topics
Prab has created 171 topics in forums which is 7.9461% of all topics
Dev253 has created 139 topics in forums which is 6.4591% of all topics
REY619 has created 137 topics in forums which is 6.3662% of all topics
kingSRK has created 126 topics in forums which is 5.8550% of all topics
santosh has created 108 topics in forums which is 5.0186% of all topics
Pritha has created 98 topics in forums which is 4.5539% of all topics
sonicbom has created 78 topics in forums which is 3.6245% of all topics
Garry has created 60 topics in forums which is 2.7881% of all topics
kAbir has created 55 topics in forums which is 2.5558% of all topics

Top 10 Shouters
Dev253 has shouted 6127 times which is 10.0806% of all shouts
REY619 has shouted 5295 times which is 8.7117% of all shouts
Prab has shouted 4424 times which is 7.2787% of all shouts
Mr.ocean has shouted 3946 times which is 6.4923% of all shouts
Badmash has shouted 3539 times which is 5.8226% of all shouts
kAbir has shouted 2138 times which is 3.5176% of all shouts
Raj Patil Raja has shouted 2122 times which is 3.4913% of all shouts
vir has shouted 2109 times which is 3.4699% of all shouts
santosh has shouted 2060 times which is 3.3893% of all shouts
IndiFun has shouted 1965 times which is 3.2330% of all shouts

Top 10 users with most no. of browsers
Dev253 has used 183 distinct browsers
Prab has used 160 distinct browsers
REY619 has used 146 distinct browsers
frogie has used 106 distinct browsers
manish has used 104 distinct browsers
Gnaveen9 has used 102 distinct browsers
vinyl has used 91 distinct browsers
Vinaykumar has used 77 distinct browsers
lovy has used 64 distinct browsers
F4ceoff has used 55 distinct browsers

Top 10 users with most no. of IP addresses
Googlebot has logged on from 1117 distinct IP addresses
vir has logged on from 1109 distinct IP addresses
RAMS has logged on from 1048 distinct IP addresses
A_y_a_n has logged on from 897 distinct IP addresses
Analytica has logged on from 788 distinct IP addresses
REY619 has logged on from 747 distinct IP addresses
Prab has logged on from 721 distinct IP addresses
Gnaveen9 has logged on from 633 distinct IP addresses
manish has logged on from 570 distinct IP addresses
frogie has logged on from 547 distinct IP addresses

Top 10 Browsers used by IndiFunners
Opera Mini 5.1.24321 used by 1011 distinct users
Opera Mini 5.33361/3 used by 559 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/47.0.2526.111 Safari/537.36 used by 339 distinct users
Firefox(Windows) used by 195 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 6.0.1; en-US; MotoG3-TE Build/MPD24.107-56-1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 UCBrowser/ U3/0.8.0 Mobile Safari/534.30 used by 141 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/45.0.2454.85 Safari/537.36 used by 109 distinct users
Opera Mini 7.1.32444 used by 105 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/48.0.2564.109 Safari/537.36 used by 96 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.106 Safari/537.36 OPR/38.0.2220.41 used by 70 distinct users
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.135 Safari/537.36 used by 61 distinct users

IndiFunners have used 2841 kinds of browsers
Top 10 IP ranges/networks used
37.22x.x.x(Unresolved) used 3086 times to logon
82.14x.x.x(Unresolved) used 1930 times to logon
106.2x.x.x(Unresolved) used 1807 times to logon
117.2x.x.x(BSNL Broadband(National Internet Backbone) India) used 1147 times to logon
66.24x.x.x(Google Inc US) used 1135 times to logon
141.0x.x.x(Unresolved) used 882 times to logon
223.1x.x.x(Unresolved) used 734 times to logon
70.39x.x.x(PacketExchange USA) used 515 times to logon
49.20x.x.x(Unresolved) used 394 times to logon
223.2x.x.x(Unresolved) used 346 times to logon

IndiFunners have logged on from 12249 unique IP addresses
