
1. Everything is allowed in inbox! You can spam, flirt, make love or whatever you want but the other party must not have any problem.

2. You can talk to your friends in your own regional language but you must provide english or Hindi translation if demanded by anyone.

3. If a user is stalking, teasing, harassing, abusing or forcing you for your phone number then you may either add him/her in your Ignore list(Main Menu>Settings&Info>Ignore List) or lodge a complaint to a moderator or administrator. We advise you to conceal your personal details i.e. phone number, address etc. while making friends on NET. But its up to you.

4. You must not use filthy, abusive and indecent words in shoutbox or forums.

5. We allow creation of multiple IDs by single person. You can have multiple profiles with different names, sex, location if you want! We won't object.

6. For your account's safety we advise you to keep a password that is different from that kept by you on other sites. We won't be responsible if your account here gets hacked by people on other sites because you've same password here and there. However we provide you full security from our side. But we can do nothing if its your fault in giving away your password to people of malicious intent by phishing etc.

7. You should not be engaged in battles involving caste, colour and religion.

8. The administration team of INDIFUN.IN reserves the right to do anything on the site without specifying a reason.


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